
Complicating the mainstream

Sofia Apostolidou (Amsterdam): The F Word: From Failed Homo Economicus to Fat Posthumanist. Simon Bronner (Penn State): “The Shooter Has Asperger’s”: Autism, Belief, and “Wild Child” Narratives. From Science, Religion, and Culture, a special issue on Islam, culture, and the Charlie Hebdo affair. Timothy Garton Ash on defying the assassin’s veto. We need “whataboutism” now more than ever: From Charlie Hebdo to King Abdullah's passing, there’s nothing wrong with complicating the mainstream narrative. Not a very p.c. thing to say: Jonathan Chait on how the language police are perverting liberalism. The introduction to Immigration Detention: The Migration of a Policy and Its Human Impact by Stephanie J. Silverman and Amy Nethery. The Sound of Silence: Tom Slee on what Uber and Airbnb’s missing data tells us. MagCulture on The New Yorker as TV. Virtual reality fails its way to success: For decades, V.R. was a complete flop. — but now with the nausea-free Oculus Rift, it may be a total win. The Last Medium: Virtual reality is here — Carina Chocano goes inside the worlds dreamed up by Hollywood’s most radical storytellers. Sahil Kapur on how the Obama Administration is using Scalia's 2012 Obamacare dissent against him. Bagpipes at the front: Morag Josephine Grant on pipers and piping during combat in the Great War. In 1988, The Economist ranked America as the best place to be born; in 2013, things had changed. Corinne Manning on how the creation of The James Franco Review has proved a point about visibility.