
Trump lives

From National Review, Scott Winship on how culture, not economy, explains Trump’s appeal. A king in his castle: Jason Horowitz on how Donald Trump lives, from his longtime butler. Ivanka Trump is gracious, capable, and not crazy — what is she doing helping her father? Kids need to learn self-regulation to succeed — Trump is teaching them the opposite. Amanda Marcotte on the gangster candidate: Donald Trump and his supporters behave like the mafia, with veiled threats and acting above the law. Trump has his finger on the pulse of America’s bloodlust — and for that, we’re all a little guilty. Kira Lerner on how Trump has inspired violence across the country, in one map. David Duke told his radio show on Wednesday that Donald Trump’s campaign could do wonders “rehabilitating” Adolf Hitler’s image.

Luce Irigaray, the feminist psychoanalyst who situated Freud’s sexist doctrine of penis envy within “phallocentric” discourse, may be of some help in explaining Trump’s penis envy. Simpsons writer who predicted Trump presidency in 2000: “It was a warning to America”.