
Regarded as such

Laura Guillen (ESMT), Natalia Karelaia (INSEAD), and Hannes Luc Leroy (KU Leuven): The Authenticity Gap: When Authentic Individuals are Not Regarded as Such and Why it Matters. From The Baffler, Astra Taylor is against activism: Unlike activism, which often prioritizes the “self” over the collective, organizing is cooperative by definition; and the new man of 4chan: Can a retreat from the authority of the nuclear family into an extended adolescence of videogames, porn, and pranks really be described as patriarchal? Jonathan Chait on the possibilities of Obama’s last lap. Nicholas Lemann on why big business and big government haunt America: From the Hamilton-Jefferson split to Bernie Sanders, our mistrust of magnitude has long played a role in politics. Julian Baggini reviews The Language Animal: The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity by Charles Taylor.

Can Paul Ryan’s pleasant language sell his divisive policies? If your ideas hurt people, it doesn’t matter what you call them. A look at why Paul Ryan opposes divisive politics. Paul Ryan’s bizarre speech was a de facto endorsement of Donald Trump. Paul Ryan’s self-serving hypocrisy is enabling Donald Trump and Ted Cruz: The speaker decries the ugly and divisive politics of his party, yet he promises to back the ugliest and most divisive nominee.