
What would happen if we just gave people money?

From FiveThirtyEight, what would happen if we just gave people money? Though the idea of a basic income is far from mainstream, it has had astonishingly broad support. Max Ehrenfreund on the issue that could unite conservatives and socialists. Rutger Bregman on why Richard Nixon once advocated for basic income — and then turned against it. What would society look like with universal basic income? Sighing for paradise to come: Arguments for a state stipend payable to all citizens are being heard more widely. Is it finally time for a UBI? A universal basic income could absolutely solve poverty. A Universal Basic Income is the utopia we deserve. Paula Dwyer on why a basic income should be the next big thing. A look at how Karl Widerquist and Grant S. McCall’s Prehistoric Myths in Modern Political Philosophy leads up to an argument for Basic Income.

Why don’t we have universal basic income? James Surowiecki on the case for free money. Could an income for all provide the ultimate safety net? Nick Bunker on the basic economics of a guaranteed income. Jason Kuznicki on the Unconditional Basic Income and the Hayekian price system. A guaranteed income for every American: Charles Murray on how replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market — and to revitalize America’s civic culture. Sam Bowman on a neoliberal case for a basic income, or something like it. Jathan Sadowski on why Silicon Valley is embracing universal basic income. Dean Baker on universal basic income, job killing robots, and the Washington Post.

Wouldn’t it be great to get a cheque every month just for being you? Beware of basic income. Hamilton Nolan on two problems with universal basic income. Money for nothing: Isabel V. Sawhill on why a universal basic income is a step too far. Paul Campos on bad arguments against a universal basic income. A universal basic income only makes sense if Americans change how they think about work. Why free money beats bullshit jobs. President Obama hints at supporting unconditional free money because of a looming robot takeover.