
Not too late

Gil Morejon (DePaul): Eternal Life and the Time of Death: Biopolitical Threat and Miguel Vatter’s Republic of the Living. Karen E. Bravo (Indiana): Making “Slavery” Work. The United Nations will launch its first space mission in 2021. Africa’s largest public-opinion survey is under threat, but here’s what you can do about it. Bruce Bartlett on why it’s not too late to fix Fox News. Conservatives say Hillary Clinton can’t plead ignorance — but corporate criminals can. A review of a new Hitler biography is not so subtly all about Trump. The dangers of social fragmentation: Sean Illing interviews Sebastian Junger, author of Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging. Kriston Capps on the unlikely trick of the Smithsonian’s new African American museum. Frank T. McAndrew on why clowns creep us out. Journalism has an editing crisis, but we can do something about it.

Elizabeth Drew on the candidates laid bare. The silence of the lambs: Gary Legum on why sheepish GOP leaders have been conspicuously quiet since Donald Trump’s debate debacle. Donald Trump is about to go nuclear on Hillary Clinton. “Most years you don’t count on your political nemeses to save the world from fascism. But every now and again you might”: Several conservative newspapers have endorsed Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump — their wise words are too little, too late.