
Trumpcare turns back the clock

“Let’s take a moment to compare the Senate process to pass the ACA with the Senate process on Trumpcare, shall we?” Trumpcare is causing Wall Street to question Trump’s whole economic agenda. The healthcare bill exposes Trump’s chilling authoritarian agenda: It’s not only an assault on our bodies, but on our political will. Why Republicans want women pay more than men for insurance. How Trumpcare turns back the clock on disability rights. Republicans are murdering ObamaCare and calling it suicide. The four flagrant lies Republicans are telling to sell Trumpcare. Republicans party like it’s 1984: Making policy by lying about everything. Donald Trump has no idea what health insurance costs.

How to fix Trumpcare: To build a better health care bill, Republican senators need to learn a lesson from the architects of the Affordable Care Act. How Nevada fixed Obamacare: The state made one policy decision that made selling marketplace coverage way more financially appealing.