
Racism in America in 2017

“I thought it would be better for you”: Brit Bennett on a mother, a daughter, and racism in America in 2017. Nicole Chung reflects on the burden of engaging with racism and educating white people, including some in her own family. Rewriting the history of racist ideas: Pero Gaglo Dagbovie reviews Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas by Ibram X. Kendi. Is violence the way to fight racism? Reni Eddo-Lodge on why insidious racism is much harder to navigate. How American racism aids our adversaries: Racial violence and inequality are powerful weapons against American interests abroad. #NotRacists be like: The top 10 phrases used by people who claim they are not racist.

Fighting racism is not just a war of words. There was a massive study on racism, and the media only focused on the part about white people. We’re sick of racism, literally. How segregation leads to racist voting by whites: Political scientists use new tools — and draw on psychology — to explain how and why “social geography” shapes attitudes. Emily Badger on how redlining’s racist effects lasted for decades. Is the South more racist than other parts of the US? Square dancing was a racist hoax funded by Henry Ford to get white people to stop dancing to black music.

Are we all racists deep inside? Psychology’s favorite tool for measuring racism isn’t up to the job: Almost two decades after its introduction, the implicit association test has failed to deliver on its lofty promises. The world is relying on a flawed psychological test to fight racism. The real political correctness: It’s people who criticize racism who are silenced, not those who embrace it. How America can respond to the “whitelash”: It’s time to reckon with our shared racial history, and plot a path forward. We still have time to repent for American racism.