
Out of time

A new issue of Cosmos and Taxis: Studies in Emergent Order and Organization is out. When sexism became a word: Maria Bucur on 1968 and feminism. What victory will look like for feminists in 2018. Trump tells aides not to talk publicly about Russia policy moves. Putin just kicked out 150 Western diplomats — what comes next could be much worse. Yes, Russia’s out to get us — but don’t forget the Chinese. Conservative economists turning back to debt hysteria. The Republicans are giving up on democracy. President Sisi will win Egypt’s election, but here’s why he should be worried: There are rumblings of dissent in the Arab world’s most populous country. Man out of time: Pete Peterson was another billionaire who dreamed of austerity.

Today’s rebels are model children: The young protesters now on the march are responsible and mature — and they’re asking adults to grow up. A culture of violent white guys: In a country where the violence of certain groups is tolerated, even encouraged, it’s inevitable that tragedies will follow. Racial resentment is in the NRA’s DNA, data finds.