
Of tax

From Knowable Magazine, taxes past, present and future: Eryn Brown interviews Edgar Kiser. Ajay K. Mehrotra (Northwestern): Fiscal Forearms: Taxation as the Lifeblood of the Modern Liberal State. Kitty Richards on an expressive theory of tax. Asbjorn Melkevik (Harvard): A Tax Dead on Arrival: Classical Liberalism, Inheritance, and Social Mobility. Eric A. Kades (William & Mary): Of Piketty and Perpetuities (“Thus perpetual dynastic family wealth thus imposes real social costs. This article recommends the conventional solution to such negative externalities: calibrated taxation of the anti-social behaviors”.)

100 years of tax brackets, in one chart: Alvin Chang on how the debate around brackets often misses the point. Damon Jones on how the IRS could save time — and money — for millions of taxpayers.