
Latin America across centuries

From PUP, the introduction to Republics of the New World: The Revolutionary Political Experiment in Nineteenth-Century Latin America by Hilda Sabato. Diego Acosta Arcarazo (Bristol): Open Borders in the Nineteenth Century: Constructing the National, the Citizen and the Foreigner in South America. From Nuestra America to Abya Yala: Notes on imperialism and anti-imperialism in Latin America across centuries. Miguel A. Rivera-Quinones (UPR): Dependency Theory and South American Governance in Post Neoliberal Times. Grant J Silva (Marquette): “The Americas seek not Enlightenment but Liberation”: On the Philosophical Significance of Liberation for Philosophy in the Americas.

Ilan Bizberg (Colmex): Varieties of Capitalism, Growth and Redistribution in Asia and Latin America. Christian Barry (ANU) and Gerhard Overland (Oslo): Who Owns It? Three Arguments for Land Claims in Latin America. When democracy isn’t enough: Elections and free markets haven’t solved the real problems in Latin America. Latin Americans are protesting and throwing out corrupt regimes — why now? Why antiestablishment fervor is growing in Latin America: Will today’s corruption scandals fuel tomorrow’s demagogues? Omar Encarnacion on the Trumpification of the Latin American Right. Latin America’s socialist support system is crumbling. Amy Erica Smith on signs of democratic demise in Latin America.