
Conquering the Left

From the Washington Monthly, Andrew Levison on what Democrats still don’t get about winning back the white working class. The next populist revolution will be Latino: Democrats are betting on a diversifying electorate to secure their party’s future, but second-generation Latinos won’t willingly accept a deeply unequal society. Democrats must reclaim the center — by moving hard left. Are Democratic voters abandoning capitalism for socialism? Kate Aronoff on why the Democratic Socialists of America won’t stop growing. Democratic socialists are conquering the Left — but do they believe in democracy? (and more) The pragmatic Left is winning: For once, Democrats are not in disarray. Who’s afraid of Nancy Pelosi? (and more)

No more Mr. Nice Party: The core of Avenatti’s message is resistance requires ruthlessness; his words may strike some as harsh and indelicate — but can anyone honestly say his words are false? From NYRB, Bill McKibben: “Let me explain why I’m laying my own anger aside and hoping everyone else will do the same — why it’s important to distinguish between ‘the DNC’ or ‘the Democrats’, on the one hand, and whoever is running for office in your local district, on the other”.

“That means that IF (it’s a big if) the Dems succeed in 2020, they will have to accomplish perhaps more than any Congress in history in order to (a) preserve a democratic system; (b) fix the structural problems in the economy such as wealth distribution, SS, and healthcare, including Medicare; and (c) do what can be done at this late date to ameliorate global warming”. Green Party candidate was on state GOP payroll. “The Green Party may prove to have burned the planet”.