
From crime to punishment

Nicholas Barnes (Brown): Criminal Politics: An Integrated Approach to the Study of Organized Crime, Politics, and Violence. Joy Radice (Tennessee): The Reintegrative State. Forensic science put Jimmy Genrich in prison for 24 years — what if it wasn’t science? The great crime decline: Adam Gopnik on drawing the right lessons from the fall in urban violence. You can’t kill your way to freedom: Jamil Smith on how apathy about our criminal justice ills enables President Trump’s bloodlust. Surest way to face marijuana charges in New York: Be black or Hispanic. Complexity and criminal justice: The injustices that could be easily stopped and the ones that are more complicated.

William S. Isaac (Michigan State): Hope, Hype, and Fear: The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of the Big Data Era in Criminal Justice. Anna Roberts (Seattle): Arrests as Guilt. Bennett Capers (Brooklyn): Techno-Policing. When bail feels less like freedom, more like extortion: As bail has grown into a $2 billion industry, bond agents have become the payday lenders of the criminal justice world, offering quick relief to desperate customers at high prices. The renegade sheriffs: Ashley Powers on a law-enforcement movement that claims to answer only to the Constitution. The introduction to Misdemeanorland: Criminal Courts and Social Control in an Age of Broken Windows Policing by Issa Kohler-Hausmann.

Alice Ristroph (Brooklyn): The Thin Blue Line from Crime to Punishment. Alex Lundberg (West Virginia): When Do the Innocent Plead Guilty? Michael Tonry (Minnesota): Punishment and Human Dignity: Sentencing Principles for Twenty-First Century America. The rise of the victims’-rights movement: Jill Lepore on how a conservative agenda and a feminist cause came together to transform criminal justice. The moral failures plaguing the U.S. prison system: Ashley Hackett interviews Bruce Western, author of Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison. Death and the drug war: Facing up to our responsibility and thinking through solutions. Chris Hayes on what “law and order” means to Trump.

Aya Gruber (Colorado): Equal Protection Under the Carceral State. Andrew Manuel Crespo (Harvard): The Hidden Law of Plea Bargaining. From the Congressional Research Service, a report on recent violent crime trends in the United States. The bitter history of law and order in America: It has stifled suffrage, blamed immigrants for chaos, and suppressed civil rights — it’s also how Donald Trump views the entire world. America has stopped being a civilized nation. Why criminal justice reform advocates are struggling in Trump’s America: Emma Coleman on the religious origins of President Trump's war on crime.

Jane Esberg (Stanford) and Jonathan Mummolo (Princeton): Explaining Misperceptions of Crime. Adam M. Gershowitz (William and Mary): The Challenge of Convincing Ethical Prosecutors That Their Profession Has a Brady Problem. James M. Binnall (CSULB): Cops and Convicts: An Exploratory Field Study of Jurymandering. What U.S. marijuana, alcohol policy might look like in a perfect world. The other side of “broken windows”: An excerpt from Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life by Eric Klinenberg.