
A petulant leader like Trump

President Trump’s description of what’s “fake” is expanding. What a baby: Only a man who is deeply worried about his own strength would talk as much as Donald Trump does about the danger of appearing weak. Is Donald Trump a fascist? Peter Beinart reviews How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them by Jason Stanley. Michael Moore plays his Trump card: A new movie, modern fascism and a 2020 prediction. A look inside the cursed world of Trump administration fan art. Trump didn’t drain the swamp — supporters are starting to notice. President Trump is a national security crisis — and voters know it.

Trump’s ties to the Russian mafia go back 3 decades: Sean Illing interviews Craig Unger, author of House of Trump, House of Putin. Trump really hates apologizing for misogyny and racism — new reporting explains why. It takes more than “adults in the room” to control a petulant leader like Trump. “Trump believes there’s a coup”: Freaked by the Times op-ed, the president is seeing enemies everywhere. Stephen Miller may be the only staffer Trump trusts now.

Bannon says right must support RINOs: “One of the things we have to convince people of is, it doesn’t matter that Pete Sessions is a RINO. He’s a vote for Donald Trump and that’s all you have to think about. And not just, you have to vote for him — you’re going to have to go out and work a precinct, and ring doorbells, and do a phone bank for him”. The threat to democracy isn’t coming from its people. Responses to the demagogue: Bob Bauer on “unsung heroes” and the impeachment process.

Marcy Wheeler on Rudy’s (and John Dowd’s) apparent desperation to stave off a mass prisoner’s dilemma: “Trump needs his fellow Republicans to believe that Paul Manafort isn’t providing evidence that incriminates him. Because if they start to believe that, their calculations behind support for him may change, and change quickly”.