
Standing by Kavanaugh

Brian Beutler on how the Trump GOP will do horrible things for Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh and the politics of bad faith: Why the modern G.O.P. keeps abandoning principles it claims to honor. Kavanaugh is becoming a headache the GOP could live without. Why on Earth is the GOP standing by Kavanaugh? Team Trump: If we ditch Kavanaugh, we’re signing our own “death warrant”. Will Trump stick with Kavanaugh come hell or high water? Why this time is different: There are many parallels between Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh’s circumstances, but a lot has changed in American politics, too. Anita Hill on how to get the Kavanaugh hearings right.

Brett Kavanaugh and the revealing logic of “boys will be boys”. Brett Kavanaugh and the breathless effort to protect a rich, white man from repercussions. Brett Kavanaugh and our accountability crisis: The judge is the perfect nominee for our era of elite impunity. Before we even begin to have a conversation about forgiving Brett Kavanaugh. The Kavanaugh assault allegations are a reminder that Democrats were smart to push out Al Franken — this could be going much worse. Democrats: Don’t get your hopes up on Brett Kavanaugh.