
Are you experienced?

From Newsweek, Mr. Obama’s Washington: He wants to change the culture there, but it's hard to fix a place you've never really known; and are you experienced? Why a US senator might not trump a state legislator. Larry Johnson's Strange Trip: How a onetime hero of the liberal blogosphere and the Democratic Party spread perhaps the most damaging anti-Obama smear of the primary. The float vote: If you want to know who'll pick the next president, just use the formula 4M + 2M. Laugh, if your death mask will allow it: A review of The Book of Dead Philosophers by Simon Critchley. A review of The Lolita Effect: The Media Sexualization of Young Girls and What We Can Do About It by M. Gigi Durham. A review of Liberty's Blueprint: How Madison and Hamilton Wrote the Federalist Papers, Defined the Constitution, and Made Democracy Safe for the World by Michael I. Meyerson.  Ivy League Slaves of New York: America’s best and brightest are unpacking their gilded diplomas and getting to work as assistants in New York’s media dens, pinching themselves at their good fortune — suckers! A review of The Emotional Construction of Morals by Jesse Prinz. Is there a new Washington Consensus? Dani Rodrik wants to know. Who's Africa's worst dictator? Hint: It's probably not Robert Mugabe. From Eyebrow Magazine, here's a defence of Robert Mugabe.