
A re-enchantment with nature

Robert Repetto (UN Foundation) and Robert Easton (Colorado): Changing Climate, More Damaging Weather. From Earth Island Journal, James William Gibson on a world of wonder: Toward a re-enchantment with nature; a review of Tree Spiker: From Earth First! to Lowbagging by Mike Roselle; and low-hanging fruit: Can collecting leftover produce help us re-envision the world? As waste streams grow and natural resources dwindle, demand for salvaged materials will rise. From In-Spire, are we too many? A special issue on sustainability and population politics. Drawing people's attention to the enormous challenges we face is one thing; revelling in the collapse of society is quite another — Dark Mountain could learn from Douglas Adams. A book salon on Joseph J. Romm's Straight Up: America’s Fiercest Climate Blogger Takes on the Status Quo Media, Politicians, and Clean Energy Solutions (and more). Finding the right expert: How reporters should use a controversial new study categorizing scientists’ stances on global warming. An interview with Eric Pooley, author of The Climate War: True Believers, Power Brokers, and the Fight to Save the Earth. When the day after tomorrow has come: A review essay on geoengineering. The climate change deniers are digging themselves an ever deeper hole over Amazongate. Ecological Internet is the most radical green group you’ve never heard of, and for years it has been achieving major successes below the radar. Six quiet climate villains: Rebecca Boyle on under-the-radar polluters, and the individuals doing their best to hold climate science back. An interview with Yvo de Boer, the UN's former climate-change chief. A review of The Rising Sea by Orrin H. Pilkey and Rob Young and Planning for Coastal Resilience: Best Practices for Calamitous Times by Timothy Beatley.