
Make this law disappear

Jeremy Waldron (NYU): Dignity, Rights, and Responsibilities. Lawrence O. Gostin (Georgetown): The Right to Bear Arms: A Uniquely American Entitlement. Michael J. Perry (Emory): The Fourteenth Amendment: What Norms Did "We the People" Establish? Peter J. Smith (GWU): How Different are Originalism and Non-Originalism? Wilson Ray Huhn (Akron): Constantly Approximating Popular Sovereignty: Seven Fundamental Principles of Constitutional Law. Tom Ginsburg (Chicago): Written Constitutions and the Administrative State. Will Tress (Baltimore): Lost Laws: What We Can’t Find in the United States Code. A look at the world's most baffling new laws. Since 1789, constitutions worldwide have come and gone — why has the U.S. Constitution endured? A review of A Republic of Statutes: The New American Constitution by William N. Eskridge, Jr. and John Ferejohn. A review of Scorpions: The Battles and Triumphs of FDR's Great Supreme Court Justices by Noah Feldman (and more). Nelson Lund on a very streamlined introduction to Bush v. Gore. The Supreme Court didn't just let corporations in with Citizens United — it created a new kind of money broker. Watch as we make this law disappear: How the Roberts Court disguises its conservatism. Long on words but short on guidance: The Supreme Court led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has been criticized for the quality of its judicial craftsmanship. A review of The Conservative Assault on the Constitution by Erwin Chemerinsky. The introduction to The Limits of Constitutional Democracy, ed. Jeffrey K. Tulis and Stephen Macedo. A review of The Living Constitution by David A. Strauss. Without artifice: Justice William Brennan's watchword was human dignity, and to protect it he interpreted individual rights expansively.