
15 minutes in the Warholian sun

Annemarie Bridy (Idaho): Is Online Copyright Enforcement Scalable? From multilateral bureaucrat to populist patriot: An article on Mohamed ElBaradei's personal revolution. Back to the Future with Peter Thiel: The hedge-fund billionaire says we need more innovation — and less herd-thinking — to open a new frontier. From Greater Good, Philip Zimbardo on the psychology of evil and of heroism. With one of the world’s highest corporate tax rates, the US still raises less revenue from corporations than it used to — the reason is in the tax code. Bet Giorgis is a church built into stone, in a town frozen in biblical times. Immanuel Wallerstein on the Second Arab Revolt: Winners and losers. The Real CSI: How America’s patchwork system of death investigations puts the living at risk. From Student Pulse, an article on fascism, a political ideology of the past. The (sex) life of man: Were our ancestors free-loving communists? Every once in a while a paper hits the big time and the author gets his or her 15 minutes in the Warholian sun — that’s what’s happening to Daryl J. Bem and his paper, “Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect”. Why fear the Arab revolutionary spirit? Slavoj Zizek on how the western liberal reaction to the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia frequently shows hypocrisy and cynicism. A review of Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World by Nicholas Shaxson (and more).