
The war on terror, political ideologies, religion and women

Army of One: Andrew J. Bacevich on the Overhyping of David Petraeus. Will the United States remain the “indispensable nation” in global affairs under these new conditions? Brent Scowcroft investigates. Pundits and politicians have admitted to being wrong about Iraq. Shouldn't the American public do the same? From National Journal, if Guantanamo Bay closed today, what would we do with the suspected terrorists we capture tomorrow? A review of The Sutras of Abu Ghraib: Notes From a Conscientious Objector in Iraq by Aidan Delgado. Why do they hate us? Strange answers lie in al-Qaida's writings. Fear, Frenzy, and FISA: How the Bush administration has kept Congress locked in a September 12 state of panic.  

From TNR, liberals love Barry Goldwater? That's not right. From Dissent, Johann Hari reviews What’s Left? How Liberals Lost Their Way by Nick Cohen (and a response by Cohen and a reply). A review of The Threat to Reason: How the Enlightenment Was Hijacked and How We Can Reclaim It by Dan Hind.  The Road to Rightville: The essays in the anthology Why I Turned Right offer a tantalizing clue as to how conservative pundit-intellectuals manage to connect so unfailingly with a mass audience.  A review of Comrades: A World History of Communism by Robert Service. From Cato Unbound, Peter T. Leeson on Anarchy Unbound, or: Why Self-Governance Works Better than You Think.

From Christianity Today, an interview with Bob Roberts, author of Transformation: How Glocal Churches Transform Lives and the World and Glocalization: How Followers of Christ Engage the New Flat Earth; and a review of He Came Down From Heaven: The Preexistence of Christ and the Christian Faith by Douglas McCready and The Preexistent Son: Recovering the Christologies of Matthew, Mark, and Luke by Simon J. Gathercole Eerdmans. From Policy Review, what the Beatitudes teach: Jesus’s community of goodwill. Who speaks for America's evangelicals? The answer is not as clear-cut as in years past. Sex, drugs and rich white folk: A review of Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion by Jeffrey J Kripal.

A review of Once Upon a Quinceanera: Coming of Age in the USA by Julia Alvarez. A review of Fifteen Candles: 15 Tales of Taffeta, Hairspray, Drunk Uncles, and Other Quinceanera Stories. A review of Girls Gone Mild: Young Women Reclaim Self-Respect and Find It's Not Bad to Be Good by Wendy Shalit (and more). Say Cheese(cake): How pinup girls of the day reflect the changing ideals of womanhood. A review of The Great Big Glorious Book for Girls by Rosemary Davidson and Sarah Vine.