
Christianity shouldn’t be cool

From Themelios, Daniel J. Estes (Cedarville): Fiction and Truth in the Old Testament Wisdom Literature; Robert H. Gundry (Westmont): Pastoral Pensees: The Hopelessness of the Unevangelized; Carl Trueman (WTS): Know Your Limits: The Key Secret of Theological Controversy; and Daniel J. Brendsel (Wheaton): Plots, Themes, and Responsibilities: The Search for a Center of Biblical Theology Reexamined. A review of Baptists through the Centuries: A History of a Global People by David W. Bebbington. Would Easter fly on Middle Earth? A review of The Ring and the Cross: Christianity in the Writings of J.R.R. Tolkien. Michael Werner on why half the people joining churches choose the mega variety. A review of Creation: A Biblical Vision for the Environment by Margaret Barker. From Catapult, how do we know if our lives are too comfortable, and what's the relationship between comfort and justice? A review of The Historical Jesus: Five Views. A lot of Jesus' teaching was intentionally mysterious — was He trying to keep people away? An interview with Vern Sheridan, author of Redeeming Sociology: A God-Centered Approach. From Comment, William Whitney on why "pray more" is not counselling; and faith, work, and beards: Why Abraham Kuyper thinks we need all three. A review of Am I Really a Christian? by Mike McKinley. The Christian sexual ideal, like that of many other religions, has always required abstinence until marriage, but what should I do with my sexuality until then? From Christianity Today, geek theologian: Wired magazine founder Kevin Kelly on the Amish, heaven, and why he doesn't own a smart phone. Christianity shouldn't be cool: Why making faith the "next big thing" misses the mark. Can creedless Unitarians make it another 50 years?