
The Iran debate

From Foreign Affairs, a special section on the Iran debate: To strike or not to strike? (and reponses) From The New York Times Magazine, a cover story: Will Israel attack Iran? Joshua Pollack on how to prevent war with Iran (and more). From The Monkey Cage, Matthew Fuhrmann on military strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities: Are they likely and will they work?; and how do states act after they get nuclear weapons? Iran’s navy may not be a match for the US, but the Strait of Hormuz offers plenty of ways for it to make life tricky. Is a nuclear Iran really to be feared? After proliferation: Joshua Rovner on how to deter Iran when it goes nuclear. Should the West just let Iran enrich uranium? Jeremy Bernstein on Iran: The scientists and the Bomb. Is Iran's offer to talk nukes a win for the West? (and more) Despite a nearly decade-long atomic scare, there is still no firm evidence of an Iranian nuclear bomb. Can Europe's oil embargo force Iran to back down on its nuclear program? Martin W. Lewis on the dream — or nightmare — of “Greater Iran”.