
The post-war international order

David Schneiderman (Toronto): A New Global Constitutional Order? D. A. Jeremy Telman (Valparaiso): Law or Politics? Hans Kelsen and the Post-War International Order. Emily Crawford (Sydney): Road to Nowhere? The Future for a Declaration on Fundamental Standards of Humanity. Rather than worry about how we might preserve the utopian status of human rights into the future, we ought to worry about how to rescue utopia from the clutches of human rights. A new issue of UN Chronicle is out. Steven Aiello (WISI): The Principles of UN Peacekeeping: A Lesson in Misguided Priorities. The three evils of global governance: If the UN wants to remain relevant, Ban Ki-Moon might want to look to Brussels for guidance. Has the UN become obsolete? Instead of pressing for UN reform, the task is creating alternative institutions that can fulfill the promise of global democracy. The League of Extraordinarily Bureaucratic Gentlemen: Can DC Comic’s new comic book series make the U.N. look cool — or at least effective? A look at the 6 most ridiculous abuses of diplomatic immunity.