Kelefa Sanneh

  • culture May 07, 2013

    David Graeber and the Anarchist Revival

    In the summer of 2011, when David Graeber heard rumors of a mobilization against Wall Street, he was hopeful but wary. Graeber is an anthropologist by trade, and a radical by inclination, which means that he spends a lot of time at political demonstrations, scrutinizing other demonstrators. When he wandered down to Bowling Green, in the financial district, on August 2nd, he noticed a few people who appeared to be the leaders, equipped with signs and megaphones.

  • culture November 04, 2011

    Who Wrote Cain's Memoirs?

    Jerry and Deborah Strober have been married for thirty years, and they have written ten books together, including Reagan: The Man and His Presidency and Israel at 60. Their most recent project: a best-seller meant to introduce voters to presidential candidate Herman Cain.