
Best European Fiction 2010 edited by Aleksandar Hemon

Best European Fiction 2010 edited by Aleksandar Hemon, Zadie Smith. Dalkey Archive Press. Paperback, 448 pages. $15.
The cover of Best European Fiction 2010

To complain that Americans don't read enough European fiction is to commit the mortal sin of extreme obviousness. The studied ignorance of literary fiction from anywhere besides the United States (and 99% of literary fiction from within the United States) has to be annoying to non-American authors, but they shouldn't feel alone—Americans ignore pretty much everything that comes out of Europe, with the possible exceptions of supermodels and sports cars. It's true that a few European authors have broken through in the States—Roddy Doyle, Stieg Larsson, Ian McEwan—but it's also true that as hard as it is for deserving American fiction writers to succeed here, it's much more difficult when you get your advance in euros, pounds, or krónur.