
Pop Apocalypse: A Possible Satire by Lee Konstantinou

Pop Apocalypse: A Possible Satire (P.S.) BY Lee Konstantinou. Harper Perennial. Paperback, 320 pages. $13.
The cover of Pop Apocalypse: A Possible Satire (P.S.)

It doesn't take a paranoid mind to fret over our state of hyper-marketing. Every Gatorade we buy at Vons, every Bed Bath & Beyond card we've registered for, every pop-up ad we've accidentally clicked on (only to be infested with spyware) is fed into some mass accounting of our habits, pleasures and vices.

Right now, a hungry publishing marketer might be scanning this, hoping to spur a little casual consumerism, the "impulse buy" that's actually deeply plotted at the Barnes & Noble counter. (It's a bit creepy, yet we'd be vaguely insulted if said marketer passed right over us.)