
The Lost Books of the Odyssey by Zachary Mason

The Lost Books of the Odyssey: A Novel BY Zachary Mason. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Hardcover, 240 pages. $24.
The cover of The Lost Books of the Odyssey: A Novel

From the time I was eight up until a little over a week ago, I truly believed that no one in this world could match my blind infatuation with the oddities, obscenities, and romantic notions of Greek mythology. I will even go so far as to divulge that, at the tender age of ten, after weeping unapologetically in a literature class upon realizing that Persephone would not be able to return to the earthly world because she had eaten six measly pomegranate seeds, I actually begged my mother to buy one of these “mysterious” fruits so I could relish the sensation that enslaved Persephone to Hades, king of the underworld.