paper trail

Dec 9, 2011 @ 4:00:00 am

A pages of Dickens's Great Expectations

Tomorow at Cabinet magazine HQ in Brooklyn, editor Brian Dillon will be writing a novel in twenty-four hours. From noon to six, Dillon’s literary experiment will be open to observation from the public, bringing to mind a stunt performed by Georges Simenon in 1927.

Super-critic Kerry Howley is blogging about the primaries for Yahoo! News. In the first installment, she reports on Rick Santorum’s visit to an iconic Iowa City diner. Howley writes, “Well after Santorum departed, the reporters continued their search for non-reporters to interview. Robert ‘Ajax’ Ehl, a young dishwasher [. . .], emerged to say that Santorum's visit was ‘annoying’ for the slammed kitchen staff, ‘but not as annoying as his politics.’”

Charles Dickens’s 200th birthday is still a few months away, but in the meantime take a gander at his messy, inky manuscript for Great Expectations. Or, if you happen to find yourself in London, check out the Museum of London’s anniversary exhibition, which opens today.

While receiving painful radiation treatment at the MD Andersen Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, Christopher Hitchens considers the value of the maxim “Whatever doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”

Schmaltzy, gooey, and manipulative: Slate flunks the new trailer for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.