paper trail

Apr 11, 2011 @ 9:00:00 am

Deb Olin Unferth

Roll Call has a short article about the current members of Congress who write novels. “Sometimes, during a long filibuster,” says Senator Barbara Mikulski, “I would go back to my office and write on legal pads.”

We somehow forgot that last Thursday, April 7, was New York City’s official John Ashbery Day, there will still be opportunities to celebrate the man this year. On May 16, Norton will publish his new translation of Arthur Rimbaud’s Illuminations. There’s a fascinating interview about it at Rain Taxi.

Every weekend during National Poetry Month, poet and international journalist Eliza Griswold is selecting two poems—one new, the other a classic—to post on the Daily Beast. This week: Jonathan Galassi and W.H. Auden.

You’ve probably read too much about David Foster Wallace of late—perhaps it’s time to read something by him for a change, lest you start treating him, as his widow Karen Green notes, like a “celebrity writer dude.” That said, there is a fine discussion of the author by Deb Olin Unferth, Rivka Galchen, and other deeply original contemporary writers.

In honor of Henry James’s birthday (April 15), Bookslut is devoting its entire Starcrossed column to the “master.”