paper trail

Hilton Als and Patti Smith will contribute to new series

Maggie Nelson


In a blog post titled “Up the Amazon with the BS Machine,” Ursula K. Le Guin continues to request that readers stop buying books from the online superstore.

Harper Lee’s forthcoming Go Set a Watchman has become “the most pre-ordered book” in its publisher HarperCollins’s history.

At, Sarah Nicole Prickett interviews Maggie Nelson about her new book, The Argonauts (which also features prominently in our summer issue’s cover story): “As with all my books, I worried about having to identify with this one too much, the same way that when I was writing about cruelty, or about my aunt’s murder, I was thinking, ‘Do I want to be the go-to person for cruelty? Do I want to be the go-to person for murder?’ So while I wanted to write about mothering and gender and sexuality because they were on my mind, I really didn’t want to re-inscribe—or be re-inscribed by—any boring ways of thinking about those issues. But that isn’t really within one’s control. Only the writing is within one’s control (and even that is debatable). So there was a part of me that was like, Okay, you can write this, but do. not. publish it.”