paper trail

Jun 1, 2011 @ 4:00:00 am

Sylvère Lotringer, photo by Iris Klein.

Books or booze? A peek at digital marketing manager Ryan Chapman’s hilarious iPhone auto-correct.

Yesterday, the Fales Library at NYU made the Sylvère Lotringer Papers and Semiotext(e) Archive available to researchers. Lotringer is an author, publisher, and social critic widely credited with bringing French theorists such as Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, and Baudrillard to English-language readers. As Fales’s Senior Archivist Lisa Darms says, “Sylvère's collection could have gone to any number of big league institutions, but by choosing Fales and positioning his archive in the context of our Downtown Collection, he chose to foreground his and Semiotext(e)'s affiliation with the Downtown scene.”

Melville House has announced the finalists for its 2011 Moby Awards for best and worst book trailers, with notable entries including videos for Adam Levin’s novel The Instructions (best Book Trailer As Stand Alone Art Object), Emma Donaghue’s novel Room (Best Big House), Laura Flanders’s non-fiction tome At the Tea Party (Best Small House), and Jay-Z’s autobiographical examination of his lyrics, Decoded (Most Celebtastic Performance). The winner will be announced on Thursday at a celebration at the powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn.

Mark Sarvas, editor of the blog the Elegant Variation, writes of the future of his site (which has been dormant lately, aside from the occasional Banville update), and the future of literary blogs in general: “I’ve come to believe that perhaps the problem with the internet isn’t that it gives voice to every crank with a keyboard and a broadband connection. No, it may be that the insidious thing is the insularity of the waiting chorus of those who champion mediocrity, who validate self-indulgence or unoriginal thinking.”

At The Millions, Garth Risk Hallberg writes about great books that are Kindle-proof.