paper trail

Ryan Holiday on Gawker; Should "Rolling Stone" keep Jann Wenner around?

Jann Wenner. Photo: Albert Chau

Joe Pompeo looks at Jay Penske’s plan for remaking Rolling Stone, which includes both Wenners staying on at the magazine. Pompeo asked Jann Wenner biographer Joe Hagan whether keeping the elder Wenner around will help or hurt the magazine. “I’ve always doubted the future of Rolling Stone without Jann Wenner,” Hagan said. “Someone like him has to ask whether the legacy is a burden more than an asset. Can you hit the reset and make Rolling Stone into a thing that feels vital again, for people who have never listened to the Eagles, or don’t even know who they are?”

John A. Farrell has won the New-York Historical Society’s Barbara and David Salaznick Book Prize for Richard Nixon: The Life.

The New York Times profiles Phillip Picardi, the chief content officer of Teen Vogue and Them.

Members of Congress have written to Attorney General Jeff Sessions in an effort to get Al Jazeera to register as a foreign agent.

At the New Republic, Alex Shephard talks to Conspiracy author Ryan Holiday about Gawker, gossip, and the Silicon Valley ethos. “These guys are apex predators amongst the apex predators and no one gets there being nice,” Holiday said of tech-world leaders. “You don’t become Elon Musk if you don’t have to win all the time and you don’t exert your will. That’s why they all love Ayn Rand!”

Tonight at NYU, Jed Purdy, the author of Tolerable Anarchy and other books, will give a lecture titled “This Land Is Our Land: Nature and Nationalism in the Age of Trump.” Among the questions he will raise: “How does denial of climate change hold together various other denials—of interdependence, ecological limits, and global justice? What images of the natural world, and the human place in it, are entangled in the politics of Donald Trump's presidency and the nationalist right?”