Photography Books by Andy Grundberg

Contributor’s Choice: suggested summer reading

One on One: Carol Anshaw talks with Barbara Gowdy

Debuts: Paul West on first novels

The Story: James Marcus on recent short-story collections

Architecture Books by Joel Sanders

Sally Eckhoff on River Angel, by A. Manette Ansay

Clifford Chase on The Scapegoat, by Jocelyn Brooke

Matthew DeBord on Now It’s Time to Say Goodbye, by Dale Peck

Lisa Cohen on The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald

Beth Nugent on Gold by the Inch, by Lawrence Chua

Lynn Crawford on Defiance, by Carole Maso

Laurie Stone on The Way I Found Her, by Rose Tremain

Patrick Giles on Pleasures and Regrets, by Marcel Proust

Bruce Hainley on Gertrude Stein: Writings, 1903-1932, and Gertrude Stein: Writings, 1932-1946

Dennis Cooper on A Crack-Up at the Race Riots, by Harmony Korine

Marina Warner on Aesop: The Complete Fables, translated by Olivia and Robert Temple

Robert Rosenblum on Norman Rockwell, by Karal Ann Marling

Norman Bryson on The Destruction of Art: Iconoclasm and Vandalism Since the French Revolution, by Dario Gamboni

Lisa Liebmann on Moving Targets: A User’s Guide to British Art Now, by Louisa Buck

Robert Rosenblum on David Hockney’s Dog Days

Barry Schwabsky on The portraits speak: Chuck Close in conversation with 27 of his subjects

Bruce Hainley on Alex Katz: A Retrospective, by Irving Sandler

Glenn O’Brien on Basquiat: A Quick Killing in Art, by Phoebe Hoban

David Frankel on Live Forever, by Elizabeth Peyton

Arthur C. Danto on The Analysis of Beauty, by William Hogarth and Discourses on Art, by Sir Joshua Reynolds

Nayland Blake on A Small Boy and Others, by Michael Moon

Brooks Adams on MacDermott & MacGough: Paintings, Photographs & Time Experiments, 1950, and McDermott & McGough: A History of Photography

Kim France on Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women, by Elizabeth Wurtzel

Peter Watson on Portrait of Dr. Gachet, by Cynthia Saltzman

J. Hoberman on Socialist Realist Painting, by Matthew Cullerne Brown